I would like to see Disability & Old age tax credits refundable like the Child tax credit ! This would help the low income disabled & elderly people be able to eat a healthier diet thus save on medical expenses & help keep them in their own home instead of Government subsidized lodges act.

Also lowering the G.S.T. more would help all Canadians the working people would be more able to get to work ,the retired people more able to get to medical appointments & to get there food & help some to be able to travel making more jobs ! In the time when the poorest of poor disabled & old age pensioners cannot afford to eat properly or in winter to heat their home to a reasonable temperature like +20 in day time & +17 at night but have to keep it at like +15 in day time & + 12 at night I feel MP's & the Prime Minister should show leadership by taking a cut in their pay & pensions to help the above mentioned people &help get the Country out of debt !